27 Best Tips to Make Life Stress Free

Life is beautiful. And the bitter reality is that everyone have it just once. There is no rewind, forward, pause or stop button. It just move with its already set pace. Sometime I just worry that everyone now a day is living a busy and stressful life, over occupied with responsibilities and don’t have any time to relax and rejoice. It’s true that everyone have to work really hard to fulfill the bread and butter of their families. One can even fulfill their responsibilities if we just incorporate a few good habits in life. And change our way of thinking.  Here are some amazing tips to make your life more enjoyable and less stressful.

  1. Life is too short to waste time hutting.
  2. Love without conditions. In this way you will enjoy loving other.
  3. Don’t set expectations with people, they hurts.
  4. Make yourself a positive thinker
  5. No matter how busy you are, spend at least 15-30 minutes with yourself. The best way is doing a walk.
  6. Wake up early in the morning.
  7. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
  8. Winning the argument is not always necessary; take care of your relationship more.
  9. Make a habit of saving.
  10. There is no harm in crying, it’s good to lighten up your heart
  11. Chocolate reduces depression and make your nerves relax, so don’t resist eating chocolates and also give chocolate gift to your loved ones.
  12. Never ask God “why me” when passing a sad time because you never think that in happy times.
  13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  14. Anger reduces the thinking power. Take deep breath and then make a decision.
  15. Always think twice.
  16. Never hesitate to say sorry. It strengthen the relationships
  17. Tongue can cut deeper then knife. So control your tongue.
  18. Time heals, so give time
  19. Never blindly trust everyone, always have double-checks.
  20. Don’t allow people to fool you, they will take you for granted
  21. Miracles do happens, but never give up hard work
  22. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
  23. Trust your skill. Never give up.
  24. Life never gives a second change, so do the best you can.
  25. It’s better to give your 100% now then to regret the rest of your life.
  26. If you can change anything, let it happen.
  27. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.